Secret Cajun Band “Re-arranging the Liquid Monkey”

Album Reviews | Dec 12th, 2007

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Record Label: Ring Around 2-Beer Records
Genre: Ska
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At first, I was like oh no. Back in ’95 and ’96 quirky ska was all the rage, but now causes me intestinal cramps. But on my second listen, I realized these guys are actually very good! And instead of a Mustard Pluggy quirkiness, they’re more like Eskimo with Beefheart lyrics set to ska. (A lot of people haven’t heard of Eskimo. They put out one album on Les Claypool’s Prawn Song label and haven’t been heard from since. Try to find em, they’re super great and weird.)

Not only that, but the music is very catchy, no matter how bizarre it gets. “Bill For Short,” “Social Skills,” and “Liquid Monkey” are some of the best. There’s 17 songs on here, recorded between 95 and 99, so we’re talking a lot of stuff here. And “Cave Jelly” is a really cool song because they talk about dinosaurs.

Anyway, these guys are nuts, and if you’re growing out of quirky ska, listen to this, sing along, and laugh your ass off while scratching your head in bafflement.

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